The Five Element Acupuncture Symposium 2013
Continuing the Journey™
September 27 - 29, 2013

"The best yet!"

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Symposium 2013 Participants

Symposium 2013 Presenters
Front Row (L to R): Joseph Soprani, Margaret Olmsted, Niki Bilton, Neil Gumenick, Eliot Ivanhoe, Pat Gorman
Back Row (L to R): Chuck Graham, Steve "Tuna" Flores, David Goodell, Kathleen Robinson
Not Pictured: Lynn Schwartz, Roy Capellaro

Click images below to see them larger

Lynn Schwartz teaching "Ethcis - the Transformational Element"

Neil Gumenick leading "Interviewing/Rapport Skills Development"

Eliot Ivanhoe leading "Interviewing/Rapport Skills Development"

Eliot Ivanhoe teaching "The Boundaries of Oneness"

Kathleen Robinson teaching "Marketing your Practice From the Inside Out"

Pat Gorman and Tuna Flores teaching "Fertility and the Five Elements"

"Manifesting Color, Sound, Odor, and Emotion" exercise led by Niki Bilton

"Manifesting Color, Sound, Odor, and Emotion" exercise led by Niki Bilton


Chuck Graham, Master of Ceremonies

Neil Gumenick teaching "Patients on Video - Diagnosis and treatment Planning"

Roy Capellaro teaching Zero Balacing - Experiencing the Listening Field"

Roy Capellaro explains how a bone is built!

Roy Capellaro teaching the Half Moon Crescent

Neil Gumenick presenting

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2926 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica CA 90404-9900
(310) 453-2235