Graduate Seminar participants share their experience:
This was a wonderful weekend - an opportunity to hone our skills, ask questions about points, their locations, and uses. I learned a lot and had a great time doing it. The rapport exercises were a good opportunity to sharpen my skills. A wonderful weekend.
~ Robert Peterson, MTOM, L.Ac.
It was great to be immersed again in this beautiful system of medicine. I feel replenished and refreshed. Thank you, thank you!
~ Erica Montheard, MTOM, L.Ac.
This weekend was just what my spirit needed. It lifted me up, gave encouragement and support, as well as further added to and refined my skills as a Classical Five Element practitioner. Neil, as always, through example, story, video, and humor, brought the class to a higher level of understanding and knowledge. I feel more confidence now in my ability to discern the CF and treat patients in such a way that they will be balanced and Nature may do the necessary healing. Thank you.
~ Kathleen Tonti-Horne, M.D.
Great overview! I needed a true Five Element refresher. This seminar taught me new information, as well as reinforced what I learned in school and practice now. The small, intimate group was a real gift! Thank you!
~ Tori Paide, L.Ac.
This seminar opened up a new vision for treatment in my future practice
~ Jacques Rosenstiel, L.Ac.