Beginning the Journey participants share their experience:
Amazing how Neil was able to condense and deliver the meat of an entire lineage of practice in two days, in an understandable, applicable and inspiring manner. Top notch. The elegance and effectiveness of this approach stands out in the field of East Asian Medicine. Any practitioner who is seeking to treat on the deepest level, to access the dimension of causation where the myriad of symptoms arise from, will be richly rewarded by this offering.
~ Michael Bailey, DOM, L.Ac.
Wonderful! Simple, clear instruction. Teachers were very personal, attentive, and enthusiastic.
I learned more than I had expected.
~ Seetal Chema, M.D.
Awesome. Super valuable, depthful, and immediately applicable.
~ Jennifer larsen, L.Ac.
Great course, by far the best CEU class I have ever taken. The level of knowledge, enthusiasm, and engagement with the students was a breath of fresh air. I would recommend the course to anyone interested in seriously and authentically deepening their practice and themselves.
~ Thomas Flach, L.Ac.
I found Neil's class to be awe-inspiring. I look forward to a time when I am able to come back and take his longer and intensive version of this class. I can't wait.
~ James Bertolini, L.Ac.
Wonderful. It was inspiring to be in the presence of both Neil Gumenick and Brian Bender and to remember the deeper reasons for my practicing acupuncture. Thank you, Neil, for your integrity, your generosity, and the many gifts you shared with us this weekend.
~ Norma Manrique, D.C., L.Ac.
I loved it all! Neil, you are an amazing presenter and I'm truly blessed to receive a fraction of your vast knowledge, wisdom, and experience. I knew "nothing" coming in and now I have a list of new potential healing styles to incorporate starting now and tomorrow in my office. Thank you so very much!!!
~ Diana Da Grosa, L.Ac.
Neil Gumenick's course came just at the right time for me and my acupuncture practice. Becoming a better, more refined listener will help me in both my personal life, with my family, and in my practice. Thank you.
~ Kathleen Love, L.Ac.
Thank you so much for bringing your knowledge and love of this medicine. Wonderful to have you share the wealth of information.
~ Gail Thurman, L.Ac.
I am very interested in moving to another level with my practice that is much deeper and more precise. I feel that this is a powerful acupuncture practice that can treat patients in a way that is beyond what can be conceived. I feel that you are a true Master of your craft. Thank you! I honor your work!
~ Debra Manning, R.N., L.Ac.
Amazing introduction to 5 Element.
~ Damon Sage, L.Ac.
I got an incredible depth and review. Thank you.
~ Victoria Mogilner, L.Ac., Classical Five-Element practitioner
Excellent! Best acupuncture class I ever took. It brought acupuncture to life.
~ Lori Sibbers, L.Ac.
This course brought light and faith back into my life. Neil is honestly the best teacher I have ever had the honor of meeting and learning from.
~ Renee Wright, L.Ac.
Inspirational!!! After taking one webinar with Neil, seeing him "live" made me fall in love with the Five Element System.
~ Daniel Daigle, Oriental Medical Student
I really enjoyed this weekend and felt the information was presented wonderfully. I am intrigued to learn more about this style and have definitely already learned so much.
~ Jessica Van Allen, Oriental Medical Student
Neil gives very practical tools to practice and does not hold back in answering any questions.
~ Matthew Norick, Oriental Medical Student
Very good information. Neil is a captivating speaker.
~ Kathleen McLaughlin, Oriental Medical Student
Very interesting, engaging, and inspiring. I look forward to more work in this field.
~ Dallas Nye, Oriental Medical Student
Wonderful! Neil's passion for sharing his deep understanding of Five Element (and more) is inspiring. Thank You!
~ Gwen Cole, Oriental Medical Student
Loved it! Lots of great information, fantastic stories.
~ Katie Tarasiouk, Oriental Medical Student
Lots of knowledge - a great intro and understanding of Five Elements.
~ Suzanne Herchak, Oriental Medical Student
Very helpful - appreciated the rapport work, good to get pulse comparison with Neil
~ Kathleen McGinn, M.D.
"Eye opening, brilliant. A deeper way to evaluate and treat the patient."
~ Ali Nematbakhsh, OMD, L.Ac.
"Exciting, informative, intriguing, useful. Thanks."
~ Alan Sunbeam, L.Ac.
"Very inspiring and interesting. It has spurred my interest to continue on this journey of learning 5 element acupuncture."
~ Tina Yang, L.Ac.
"Excellent, invigorating, challenging. You re-awakened my right brain that has been too far to the left!"
~ Arno Yap, L.Ac.
"Absolutely wonderful. It felt like the tip of the iceberg on possibility. The instructors were exceptional."
~ Monica Kelli Richards, L.Ac.
"It was great. A lot of info to learn - great stuff, though. I think it will add to my practice a lot, especially with patients whose progress is blocked."
~ Edmund Erickson, L.Ac.
"Neil has a deep and masterful knowledge of Classical Five-Element acupuncture. Neil is a unique ambassador for this system of acupuncture."
~ Leonard Kalina, L.Ac.
"Great seminar - covered so many aspects of 5 Elements. I loved the opportunity to be present with Neil's patient and observe her treatment. I look forward to learning this system in the coming year."
~ Cynthia Graves, L.Ac.
"Very complete, lively, and hands-on seminar. I enjoyed every minute of it."
~ Dominique Gallotta, L.Ac.
"Very excellent. It brought a different and deeper understanding of acupuncture treatment."
~ Dennis Kinnane, OMD, L.Ac., RPh.
"This was a real treat for me, not having any background. But, I do know which way I want to take the next half of my life. I learned more than I ever thought."
~ Connie Gomez, acupuncture patient
"Wonderful - So much interesting information. I loved learning about points, seeing a patient, pulses, working on each other. Very DYNAMIC experience."
~ Hillary Wollman, L.Ac.
"Best workshop in years. 5 Elements making sense, finally."
~ Marcy Mallory, L.Ac
"Amazing! Neil's seminar is inspiring and delves into Classical Acupuncture in ways that TCM doesn't touch upon. Classmates are integrated into discussion and improv patient/practitioner interactions and rapport. My mind has been opened to an entirely new way to treat by truly treating the patient as a whole in body, mind, and spirit."
~ Linday Kohn, Oriental Medical student
"Brilliant. 'Beginning the Journey' is a powerful introduction to Classical Five-Element Acupuncture - clear, deep, and from the heart."
~ Jennie Baldwin, Oriental Medical student
"Neil is a powerful and gifted teacher. His 5 Element 2 day seminar was inspirational and eye-opening. Even as a first year student, I have some 'ah-has" that I can put to use immediately. Thanks, Neil!
~ Sydney Dugan, Oriental Medical student
"An amazing whirlwind of of information that touches just enough on everything - that imagination and curiosity are sparked. It's incredible and lovely work!
~ Ondria Holub, L.Ac., Corvalis OR
"Deeply inspirational course work that provokes the heart and reveals the core."
~ Lise Harrington, L.Ac., Portland OR
"The taste I received of 5 Elements was enough to inspire me to apply to the program."
~ Angela Lambert, L.Ac., N.D., Portland OR
"Neil is a wonderful lecturer - engaging, knowledgeable, and always very interesting"
~ Denise D'Fantis, L.Ac.
"Once you begin the journey, you will find it difficult to stop."
~ Todd Howard, L.Ac., President, Pacific Rim College (BC)
"Amazing! Neil is very knowledgeable and fascinating to listen to. Five Element acupuncture has great potential in my practice! I can't wait to learn more!"
~ Julie Dalbec, L.Ac.
"Thank you for so generously sharing of your knowledge. Fascinating and very useful information."
~ Khara Lucius, L.Ac.
"A great beginning to the Journey, presented with humor, patience, and mastery."
~ Linda Davis, L.Ac.